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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ridge of the Rockies - MIssoula to Seeley Lake MT

A short 54 mile ride today meant a leisurely breakfast (in restaurant attached to the hotel), and departure at 9:15.  We had a pretty brisk pace out of Missoula along MT 200 (using the shoulder), and no major climbs, just some moderately rolling terrain.

After the second rest stop at mile 39, we turned on MT 83 for the final 15 miles, and things got more difficult.  The headwind/crosswind reduced my speed to about 9 mph, and it was difficult to keep going in a straight line.  Road construction slowed us down somewhat, and although we had a brief 15 minute respite from following traffic (only one lane of vehicles were allowed through the construction site at a time), once the new cluster of 50 or so vehicles caught up, things were not pleasant.  Thankfully we made it through unscathed.

Views along Salmon Lake were gorgeous.  Seeley Lake is a small community nestled in the Lolo National Forest in western Montana.  Tomorrow will conclude this journey.  We have been blessed and impressed with God's creation.

Enjoying PAC Tour lunch at the end of today's ride in Seeley Lake

Lunch crew cleaning up

My grandfather had a '52 Chevy like this one except it was dark green

PAC Tour info board, updated each afternoon

1 comment:

  1. Oh, if those two bears rode with y'all -- it is no wonder they look so tired !

    Will be glad to see y'all roll on down the street !

    (love the scenery)
