When RBA Alan Johnson put out a call for volunteers to pre ride the Morrisville to Seagrove 300K with him on Saturday April 17, I thought it would be a good way for me to accomplish a goal of starting and finishing my first 300. My schedule won't allow me to ride in the brevet on the 24th, but I will have some time in the morning and late afternoon/evening to volunteer.
We met at Alan's house a little before 7 am, and after some last minute shuffling of bags and double checking of night riding gear, we were off. The weather forecast was excellent, with only a 10% chance of rain and temperatures ranging between 47 and 77. By the time we reached the first control at Snow Camp, the sky was looking very overcast, but the extent of our rain was maybe 10 tiny drops we felt as we rode down to Siler City. As the day wore on, the clouds disappeared completely. Mike O met us as he was driving home after doing a 44 mile ride from Siler City to Erect and back.
The 100K Siler City to Seagrove out and back route was the new part for me, and I couldn't help being thankful we were not traversing the climbs in 20 degree hotter temperatures, as those who rode this brevet last year had to endure. After taking a break for lunch at the Seagrove turn around, we enjoyed some downhills and tailwinds back to Siler City. Lights and reflective equipment came on at Snow Camp (left around 7:30 pm), and we made the 50 odd mile trip back from there to Morrisville in one shot, arriving right around 11 pm after dodging a couple of wild turkeys and an opossum out for some nocturnal wanderings. One dog gave us some excitement - it sounded serious and I could only hear it as it chased after us.
This was just about an ideal way for me to get in my first 300K. Near perfect weather, riding with a veteran RBA who knew the route cold, and our riding speeds are very closely matched. I need to get comfortable with using a helmet light - I could read road signs but found that I had to tilt my head down too far to read the cue sheet, and I could barely make out the display on my bike computer. This may require changing where I position the cue sheet and also trying the low setting on the helmet light - medium may be too bright to see the computer display.
Thank you Alan and I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone this coming Saturday for the official 300K brevet (Snow Camp and Siler City controls).
Congratulations, Bob. And thanks too for volunteering.
ReplyDeleteWhat Branson said!
ReplyDeleteHey, Bob. I didn't realize you that you were "Biking Around NC". Thanks for having functioning brain cells on the 24th at the Andrews Store. Those new batteries made a significant difference.